Takk Team Top Attorney Andrew Jorges & Takk Team Title Courtney Ronan come on the podcast to discuss the wrap up of 2022 & prediction of 2023 in the world of real estate.  Topic we cover include: 

Topics of Discussion 

1.  The Biggest Winners in Real Estate 2022 

2. The Biggest loser in Real Estate 2022 

3.  The Biggest Winner in Business, not real estate related 

4.  The Biggest loser in Business 2022 

5.  The Biggest real estate surprise in 2022 

6. The Biggest business surprise in 2022 

7.  The Best new trend in real estate 

8.   The Worst Trend in Real Estate 2022 

9. Predict the biggest winner in real estate in 2023

10. Predict the biggest loser in real estate in 2023