I have my general contractor whom I've done dozens of renovations with on the pod to catch up on the world of renovations in NYC.  Follow Phil on IG at @phil_the_ceo & his company @OLExpertContracting 

Topics of Discussion with Phil: 

Covid Real Estate 2020 
Covid real estate 2021 
“Nobody wants to work” 
Supply Chain 
DOB  (Department of buildings) 
Coop Boards 
Coop Managing Agents 
Gas Prices 

Warm-Up Questions 

Go to Activity in NYC 
NYC go-to restaurant 
Favorite NYC neighborhood & why 
What makes NYC so good to live & work in? 
Favorite city/state outside of NYC area & why?  
Do you have a role model in the real estate industry? Who & why? 
What’s an insult that you’ve received that you’re proud of? 
Do you have a morning routine? 

Deep Dive into Phil Garcia's company, O & L Expert Contracting: 

Give me your 20-second elevator pitch 
How did you get into the general contracting business? 
How do you get clients that want to renovate a home? 
What is the biggest misconception when people hire contractors? 
What are coop boards tough with owners that want to renovate? 
Advice for future sellers in this market?  
What determines the cost of a renovation? 
What renovation jobs are you most proud of? How much did it cost in total?