David is one of the most successful individuals I have encountered in my life, and probably one of the top serial entrepreneurs in NYC in the last 10 years. Success can be defined in various ways, both subjectively and objectively. But to rattle off a few facts, David's completed his undergrad at Duke, attended HBS, & worked in the corporate field at Bain for a few years, published a book "Money Makers", (available on Amazon), all before turning 30.  

We met around 8 years ago at Urban Compass, at a small loft office in Soho with just a few brokers and a dozen engineers.  He started there as the COO, then eventually became the CFO & handled the financial operations of Compass until it became a $2B company. 

Fast forward to today, David is the founder & CEO of Harness Wealth, an early-stage consumer wealth tech company dedicated to helping clients unlock financial opportunities to achieve their best financial future through their customized approach.  Find out how:

-To pick the right team after a liquidity event 

-Securing your financial future by picking you the right financial advisory team

-Tax structures that small business owners may not be aware of that is to the benefit of a business owner


Follow David on IG at @harnesswealth or his website www.harnesswealth.com