Previous Episode: RSA 09/26/2022
Next Episode: RSA 10/10/2022

I'm taking my fall vacation this week, as I do fun stuff (going to a theme park, sleeping in, getting chores done) so I decided that I didn't want to stay up late last night and just get the show posted on Monday morning. This week we've got some great Aggro, Synthpop, and the instrumental "Techno-Industrial" that I've been getting into more and more recently! Humans Can't Reboot - Ghosts (Club)Soman - Divine (Audio Illusion)Psy'Aviah - OK (LLM 12 Club)Black Light Odyssey - Under Your Spell (Hexmaschine)Amnistia - TruthHurtsLieNeuroWulf - Post-Cyclone HorizonSuicide Commando - Kill All Humanity (Tactical Sekt)Junksista - Death By Heartache (On The Dancefloor)

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