Mo shares his insights from the habits of Dr. Ivan Misner.

Ivan Misner is the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, the world’s largest networking group. There is probably no one else on the planet who knows more about building a valuable network or relationships. We need to be very careful about who we allow into our inner circle. This can include strategic partners that we work with to grow our businesses, the clients we work with, to the people in our personal lives. Think about your current ecosystem and about who shares your core values and who you want to invest your time with. The people you allow into your metaphorical room you can’t kick out, so it’s important to be cautious on the front end. When you have negative experiences with people you don’t get that time back, and those experiences will influence your decisions for the rest of your life. Be very critical of the people you let into your life and be willing to let people go when you discover that they are not a fit. The core values of your organization have nothing to do with what’s on people’s resumes. Your core values should be concise and clear. When you start to get to know somebody the Gains exchange is a great way to build the foundation of the relationship. Enter into a dialogue about your goals, accomplishments, interests, networks, and skills to facilitate a great conversation. Model the response you are looking for by sharing your Gains with the other person and then ask them to reciprocate.


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