When active treatment ends and the last appointment is over, you are feeling many emotions. Normal is nowhere on the list. This is a point upon which most everyone can agree – there has been a great deal written about the harsh reality patients face when treatment ends, and even that word – patient. You really are no longer a patient, and that in and of itself requires a mindset shift. For all these weeks and months of treatment, a patient is all you have been. And now you’re back to your Before Life. But nothing feels like Before. Today’s guest felt ill prepared for the abrupt end of treatment and the challenge of jumping back into the rhythm of what her life looked like before breast cancer. She thought about what she wanted her survivorship to look like and found a way to take something painful and turn into something purposeful. Rebecca Walden is here to share her story with us and how she now writes about her experience to help, inspire and heal others.

When active treatment ends and the last appointment is over, you are feeling many emotions. Normal is nowhere on the list. This is a point upon which most everyone can agree – there has been a great deal written about the harsh reality patients face when treatment ends, and even that word – patient. You really are no longer a patient, and that in and of itself requires a mindset shift. For all these weeks and months of treatment, a patient is all you have been. And now you’re back to your Before Life. But nothing feels like Before. Today’s guest felt ill prepared for the abrupt end of treatment and the challenge of jumping back into the rhythm of what her life looked like before breast cancer. She thought about what she wanted her survivorship to look like and found a way to take something painful and turn into something purposeful. Rebecca Walden is here to share her story with us and how she now writes about her experience to help, inspire and heal others.