When someone has breast cancer it’s scary for them – and for you! What can you do to really help? What should you say? Friends and family often have good intentions but simply don’t know what to do. Today’s guest found herself being supported by an army of people immediately following her diagnosis, but not in a way that she found particularly helpful. After a friend asked her point blank what it was that she did want, she poured onto paper what and her family really needed from people and the response was powerful. Here today to tell us about this list and how she got to a place of not only being able to accept help, but being able to give loving direction that helped serve her family the most is Julie Hogan.

When someone has breast cancer it’s scary for them – and for you! What can you do to really help? What should you say? Friends and family often have good intentions but simply don’t know what to do. Today’s guest found herself being supported by an army of people immediately following her diagnosis, but not in a way that she found particularly helpful. After a friend asked her point blank what it was that she did want, she poured onto paper what and her family really needed from people and the response was powerful. Here today to tell us about this list and how she got to a place of not only being able to accept help, but being able to give loving direction that helped serve her family the most is Julie Hogan.