This is Real Talk, a new podcast series where we’re going to break down the stigmas and feelings of embarrassment and talk openly and honestly about just how difficult breast cancer can be – from diagnosis, to treatment, to living with metastatic breast cancer, to life after treatment ends.   

Today’s guests had plans for their lives.
Sara and her family moved into a new house during the pandemic. They had a room picked out for the child she was pregnant with, had clothes picked out for her, and even a name – Leah (Lee-Ah) Grace. Sara was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer, an aggressive form of breast cancer, and miscarried her child. Her family was ready to take on the world. Instead, they were grieving.
Katie is a mother of three children. Her husband was in his third year of residency when they found out Katie had inflammatory breast cancer. They were planning to move to a new state for his new job, enjoy their little family, and a life with a paycheck. They then had to redirect. They were scrambling to stay near doctors, panicking that Katie wouldn't be here for their children, and the paycheck would now be going to medical bills.

This is Real Talk, a new podcast series where we’re going to break down the stigmas and feelings of embarrassment and talk openly and honestly about just how difficult breast cancer can be – from diagnosis, to treatment, to living with metastatic breast cancer, to life after treatment ends.   

Today’s guests had plans for their lives.

Sara and her family moved into a new house during the pandemic. They had a room picked out for the child she was pregnant with, had clothes picked out for her, and even a name – Leah (Lee-Ah) Grace. Sara was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer, an aggressive form of breast cancer, and miscarried her child. Her family was ready to take on the world. Instead, they were grieving.

Katie is a mother of three children. Her husband was in his third year of residency when they found out Katie had inflammatory breast cancer. They were planning to move to a new state for his new job, enjoy their little family, and a life with a paycheck. They then had to redirect. They were scrambling to stay near doctors, panicking that Katie wouldn't be here for their children, and the paycheck would now be going to medical bills.