As we celebrate Black History Month, it is our honor to be joined today by a woman truly making history and one that I know we will be seeing much more from in the future. Dr. Zainab Shonibare, recently graduated from her PhD in 2022, is a reproductive cancer researcher at Yale University and the first Black postdoctoral researcher in her lab. Her story underscores why representation matters and diversity in research is so important, and Dr. Shonibare is here today to share her story and tell us about the focus of her research.

As we celebrate Black History Month, it is our honor to be joined today by a woman truly making history and one that I know we will be seeing much more from in the future. Dr. Zainab Shonibare, recently graduated from her PhD in 2022, is a reproductive cancer researcher at Yale University and the first Black postdoctoral researcher in her lab. Her story underscores why representation matters and diversity in research is so important, and Dr. Shonibare is here today to share her story and tell us about the focus of her research.