Julie Untener remembers the day like it was yesterday… 20 years ago, in January of 2003, Julie decided to do a breast exam. She’d been vigilant about getting her yearly mammograms, so on on this particular day, when she felt a marble on her left side, Julie knew something wasn’t quite right. She went to the doctor to get additional scans, and was eventually diagnosed with breast cancer. After undergoing six rounds of chemo, helping her sisters through their own mastectomies, and learning a lot of lessons along the way… Julie is here today to share her breast cancer story and what she’s learned over the last 20 years. Julie, welcome to the show!

Julie Untener remembers the day like it was yesterday… 20 years ago, in January of 2003, Julie decided to do a breast exam. She’d been vigilant about getting her yearly mammograms, so on on this particular day, when she felt a marble on her left side, Julie knew something wasn’t quite right. She went to the doctor to get additional scans, and was eventually diagnosed with breast cancer. After undergoing six rounds of chemo, helping her sisters through their own mastectomies, and learning a lot of lessons along the way… Julie is here today to share her breast cancer story and what she’s learned over the last 20 years. Julie, welcome to the show!