This is Real Talk, a new podcast series where we’re going to break down the stigmas and feelings of embarrassment and talk openly and honestly about just how difficult breast cancer can be – from diagnosis, to treatment, to living with metastatic breast cancer, to life after treatment ends. Today, we’re getting real about the mental and emotional impact of breast cancer. Breast cancer affects everyone differently. Whether you’re in treatment or have just completed treatment, almost everyone will experience changes. Life changes and coping with those changes may not come easy. It is common for people diagnosed with breast cancer to experience depression, anxiety, fear and mental or emotional distress. Just talking about these experiences and the long-term challenges of breast cancer helps to normalize the lived experiences of millions of people who have been impacted by the disease. Cati Diamond Stone is joining me today. She is vice president of community health at Susan G. Komen. Cati, taking care of your mental health and getting mental help is such a great topic. Welcome to the show.