Hello families, we're back with something new with our Digital Editor Nina Harada. Starting this fall, Nina will tackle different parenting topics as we explore this wild ride of parenting we're all on. Raising kids is many things all at once -- joy, laughter, frustration, fear, love, fatigue, gratitude, hope and so much more. We struggle with parenting questions every single day, just like you. But there is one thing we know for sure -- we need each other. We need a community of other parents, living and raising their kids here in L.A.  -- a city that can feel large and disconnected at times. Join us, share your questions and concerns and lets make this parenting ride of our lives more joyful and more magical. Together, we'll make great memories. 

For more parenting inspiration, articles on education, community programs, the people of L.A., recipes, travel tips and fun things to do in and around our amazing city visit laparent.com