Previous Episode: 079: HOW COUNTRIES ARE BORN
Next Episode: 081: BIG SINGLE ENERGY

48:25 is where the drama starts for all you non-regulars. You're welcome.

Sorry the episode is late this week. I've made some poor life choices that has lead to this. It's whatever.

This week Denzel and Chet are joined by PiggyNukka (Nikki). Shouts out to Nikki for coming on to be the Warden of drama. If she left Chet and I to our own devices, Chet would be completely fine, but I would say a bunch of weird, dumb shit. Whatever though.

In this week's episode, Chet and Nikki recap their Anime Expo experiences. Including drinking at a car wash and Indivisible, an RPG by the Skull Girls posse, Lab Zero Games.

I talk about things no one has any interest in, including myself.
For our usual listeners, you may not have any idea what's going on in this episode, and that's okay. I'll do my best to sum it up for you.
There's this woman named Momokun, or whatever. She's a cosplayer and, by many accounts, not a good person. Finally, all that has caught up to her. We spend a lot of time talking about her on this episode because of Anime Expo.

I found a dude whose got a YouTube channel that talks about the drama. This tickles my YouTube weirdo bone in the same way that King Cobra JFS does. Have you ever watched Gothic King Cobra? That dude is so weird. You should check him out too. He's got videos where he is just sitting and eating a banana or something, talking about his life. It's oddly intriguing. He makes such long videos that there's someone cuts them down into small chunks. Which is understandable because King Cobra tends to wander off camera for untold sums of time. Damn. Shouts out to VRTL Mike for pointing this dude out to me so long ago. I've gotten way off topic.

King Kobra JFS

Momokun Drama Weirdo.


Lab Zero

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