In the past, people could acquire their needs and made their trade through the barter or the exchange method. Back then, life was simple, and people’s needs were undisputedly more fundamental than the needs of this present generation. As time passed by, people changed. And with that, their needs also evolved. Today, money has undoubtedly become one of the necessities of life. It has become a need to survive. We are so accustomed to using money in our daily lives we don’t even stop to wonder where it came from or what it does.


Today on the Real Money Talks podcast, I’m going to share with you that the money available to you depends on how you make it – you can earn it as an employee, as an entrepreneur, or as both. Remember that how you make your money significantly impacts everything else – your taxes, deductions, relationships, and even the way you contribute to the community. My hope is that at the end of this episode, after knowing and understanding the banking system and money works, you will be able to make an educated choice about how you want money to come to you and the payoffs that go with choosing how to acquire it the wise way.



The safest thing is to get smart, to get knowledge, to get confidence, and to get access. That’s security.


In This Episode of Real Money Talks: 

A brief history of the Federal Reserve Bank and the foundation of what set the world banking system in order How money comes to you – the difference between a corporate bank account and a personal bank account How you can maximize your tax strategy by understanding how the banking system works Ways you can make money by maximizing tax savings and investing in double-digit returns How to look “attractive” to financial institutions Why you need a personal relationship with the bank or the banking officers despite the quick and easily accessible online banking made available nowadays

Resources Mentioned:

The Creature from Jekyll Island book by G. Edward Griffin


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Loral Langemeier is on a mission – to educate and empower the Real Money Talks community on how to have those important money talks that are straight, to the point, and can be applied to every aspect of your life. So, tune in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on iTunes to learn, ask Loral a question, and create your path to financial freedom! Don’t forget to leave a review and grab your free gifts on!