Years back, I co-wrote the book Guerrilla Wealth with the great marketing writer of all time, Jay Conrad Levinson. The chapters in this book are essential to what I call “going back to basics.” They have you get back to your roots as you contemplate on your current financial status, your goals, and how you can reach these objectives. Knowing these will set you up for the next level of your financial journey, which is planning to be a millionaire.

In today’s episode, I discuss the next four chapters from my book that will help you learn how to be financially organized. I also share an encouraging story about the goals I set for myself and my family and the rewards that we are enjoying as I focus on my goals.



One of the biggest lessons I watch people learn over and over is that they look at a team member and say, “Oh they’re so expensive!” No, they’re not expensive. That’s an asset that’s contributing to the growth of your business and giving you the freedom that you want.



In This Episode of Real Money Talks: 

Quick review of the first four chapters of my book Guerilla Wealth discussed in the previous podcast Building your wealth cycle is about focusing on your income and assets Building your wealth cycle foundation is about growth, how you do it, and the pivotal move of adding time, energy, and people in your life Acceleration of wealth cycles is about adding a new income stream and setting new goals for new revenues and new assets Leading a team is about thinking about, looking for, and having the people who will contribute to the growth of your team Having life goals is about knowing what you want to do with your money once you acquire it and taking practical steps such as setting goals and putting them on your calendar

8 Core Basics to Be Financially Organized: 

Wealth conditioning Figuring out your financial baseline Financial freedom day Managing your lifestyle cycle Building your wealth cycle foundation Acceleration of your wealth cycle Leadership of your wealth team Your life goals

Resource Mentioned: 

Guerilla Wealth: The Tactical Secrets of the Wealthy Finally Revealed Book by Jay Conrad Levinson and Loral Langemeier



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Loral Langemeier is on a mission – to educate and empower the Real Money Talks community on how to have those important money talks that are straight, to the point, and can be applied to every aspect of your life. So, tune in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on iTunes to learn, ask Loral a question, and create your path to financial freedom! Don’t forget to leave a review and grab your free gifts on!