Tania Vasallo is the founder of The Courage To Be Happy a supportive community that empowers women entrepreneurs to create an authentic brand and lifestyle that fits their vision. Tania started out as an art director at a New York agency where she worked with big brands. 

In her search to find something more fulfilling, she became one of the early certified life coaches. After many moves and career shifts, she founded The Courage To Be Happy. Tania is also a client. Today, we discuss what it means to have courage, the different ways men and women think about money, and why it’s important to make a plan and then jump in and do it. 

You can find Tania Vasallo here:

Ask Loral The Courage To Be Happy

Show Notes:

[01:31] Tania started as an advertising art director in New York City around 20 years ago. She worked on huge accounts like Samsung and Starbucks.  [02:02] Her work didn't align with her values and she wasn't happy with it. She felt trapped in the corporate world. [02:16] Tania and her husband both decided to quit their corporate jobs. They worked as photographers and Tania got her life coach certification.  [02:58] They then moved to Spain where Tania is originally from. They opened a creative studio.  [03:43] They then moved to the States and Tania launched The Courage to Be Happy four years ago.  [04:33] She started focusing on branding, but teaches a lot about women and business and money.  [06:08] Tania learned that a lot of women wanted to start amazing business, but had trouble with the making money part.  [06:21] She works with women and finds where they are at with their business and then helps them find their blind spots when it comes to systems and strategies.  [08:29] A lot of women don't want to talk about money. There seems to be a shame when it comes to talking about money.  [09:20] If you have courage the universe will compensate. [09:43] When it comes to sales a lot of women don't want to ask for money.  [10:24] Business is all about exchanging money for value. Money touches everything in our world. Get yourself educated about business and money.  [11:29] Men seem to be more decisive and feel more qualified. A man will ask for a sale when 50% qualified where women want to be 100% qualified.  [12:55] Women also tend to feel that they need to do everything themselves. Men don't struggle with investing in themselves.  [14:16] Things shift when you put a plan together. Jump in. Life is too short to not follow through.  [15:12] Tania stopped coaching after she had a close friend and client suddenly die.  [17:44] People often don't plan their lives, dreams, and goals. [18:31] Tania is giving away a workbook to help think about what you want in your life.  [19:18] Journaling is a wonderful tool that helps us tap into deeper parts of ourselves.  [20:28] Keep on dreaming and have courage over comfort. 

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A free gift for the audience: “Designing my life workbook” The Artist's Way: 25th Anniversary Edition