Next Episode: Cannabis with Ben

If you have the intention to make money, your talents and hobbies are a great starting point. Launching a business by doing something you’re good at implies that you are serious about making money. The perks of having better tax strategies come in once you have established your business. If your sales start to weaken, assess the kind of service you provide and take it from there.

In today’s episode, I share with you the upper hand in serving over selling. I also discuss how being in service to others gets you the sale. You will make a remarkable difference if you choose to serve to sell rather than selling just for the profit.

I want you to get clear in your DNA that you serve lives, and that’s why you sell hard.

In This Episode of Real Money Talks: 

Where money comes from How your thoughts and energy affect the outcome of your financial situation Reasons why you should serve others with a lower price offer What happens when you don’t make the sale

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Loral Langemeier is on a mission – to educate and empower the Real Money Talks community on how to have those important money talks that are straight, to the point, and can be applied to every aspect of your life. So, tune in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on iTunes to learn, ask Loral a question, and create your path to financial freedom! Don’t forget to leave a review and grab your free gifts on!