How often do you fail to express what you want to say to your spouse, your children, or your co-worker because you want to avoid the complications that could go with it? What are the effects of failing to communicate accordingly and appropriately in your personal and professional relationships? Are you aware that there are people who can help you express yourself so you can have better and healthier relationships?

In today’s episode, our guest is a conversation coach Lorelei Carter of ConversationRX. She talks about what led her to become a conversation coach and her goal in this pursuit, which is to help people say what they need to say to avoid getting stuck in their relationships. With a master’s degree in counseling psychology, Lorelei is currently writing a book and preparing for several speaking engagements as she continues to help people move forward.



“Often, we don’t move forward because we are too afraid to say what we need to say and things get stuck, and nothing happens.” – Lorelei Carter



In This Episode of Real Money Talks: 

What a conversation coach is and how they help people Kinds of conversations people avoid in romantic relationships, the workplace, and the family The most important conversation people can have in their lives How Lorelei comes up with her fee structure Different kinds of sessions Lorelei has with her clients


Check out Lorelei Carter Across the Net: 

Conversation RX Website



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Loral Langemeier is on a mission – to educate and empower the Real Money Talks community on how to have those important money talks that are straight, to the point, and can be applied to every aspect of your life. So, tune in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on iTunes to learn, ask Loral a question, and create your path to financial freedom! Don’t forget to leave a review and grab your free gifts on!