It’s time for session two of The BLITZ. Where you can learn how to get a millionaire money makeover with Loral Langemeier who is known as the millionaire maker. Loral is an expert at finding ways for people to make, grow, and keep their money. She uses an approach that includes off Wall Street and creative investment ideas along with protecting your assets and tax liabilities by forming the correct entity to hold your wealth and do business through. 

Loral is an expert at bringing together the right experts to make sure that your financial interests are supported in the most beneficial and compliant ways possible. This is the second half of the recording of Loral’s live Integrated Wealth BLITZ call. The BLITZ is full of money makeovers that can help you discover the steps you need to take next with your money. People at the beginning stages may just need to make more money, people in the more advanced stages may need to start creating entities for tax savings. There is a sequence to what needs to get done and each step builds upon the other. 

Other people may have credit issues. Credit can be the key to investing smart. Finding a good credit partner can be a way to get started while you are repairing past issues. We teach you what needs to be done and how to do it. We kick today off talking about making money. The steps you take next depend on where you are. We talk about taking active income from a job and turning into passive income. We talk about running small companies and taking money earned and putting it into passive investments instead of all back into the company. 

We also talk about exit plans, proper sequencing, and so much more. We have an amazing expert panel here to talk about some of the strategies that you can use to create a true money makeover. Edwin Kelly is here to talk about self-directed retirement accounts. Randy Tate is here to talk about iFlip an AI empowered investment tool. Eric is our direct sales expert and MLM expert here to talk about a keto supplement opportunity. And if you've been wondering about what's going on in the cryptocurrency market, our expert David is here to give you an update.

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Show Notes:

[00:52] This is part two of The BLITZ. Tons of people are getting money makeovers and you can too. [04:05] Every decision you make affects what you do next. There's a sequence to the way you need to get things done. You don't have to do everything at once. [04:50] If you don't have good credit, and you want to invest in real estate, you don't have to just wait. You need to find a credit partner. [07:40] To do these things, you need to have active income that you can put away to generate passive income. [10:42] The first thing we are going to talk about is making money.  [12:02] There are strategies that can help with exit plans. We need to plan with you so that your bookkeeping and structure are done right.  [13:22] What are you going to do to make money. You can borrow from your retirement fund, but you need to know what to do with it.  [15:45] Get your assets in place, your entity and tax structure in place, your insurance in place, and then your cash machine. [19:10] Marketing's job is to get you leads, and sale's job is to get your clients. [20:08] In a coaching business, you can bring in leads through books, videos, webinars, etc. Then you would move into something like The BLITZ or the off Wall Street Workshop. Then we move to The Big Table or coaching. That's how you build a funnel. [21:36] A top funnel activity could be a report or an ebook. Each item leads to another one. [22:47] If you can't figure out what you're going to do for a business, we can help you. [23:53] Our network can help you with people who can take you to the next steps. [27:09] People who are committed is who we are interested in. We also help put people together who have complementary skill sets.  [28:44] Doing everything by yourself is too much to do. Hire experts who know how to do things and are super good at it. [43:47] It's much easier to go from making $200,000 a year to a million than it is to go from zero to a $100,000. That first $100,000 will be the hardest money you ever make.  [44:26] Loral talks about the benefits of building a funnel. One thing is that it stops potential customers from shopping around. It also builds your database.  [48:39] Loral shares the ask tell ask sales model. [51:58] Expert panel member Edwin is here to talk about IRAs. He is a genius in qualified plans. Randy is also here to talk about flips. Eric is our direct sales expert, and David is here to give us a crypto currency market update.  [52:45] You can have a self-directed IRA or 401k. You should have these as part of your strategy. This will help manage, eliminate, or defer taxes.  [54:28] A self-directed retirement account can also give you additional asset protection. [55:04] Estate planning and asset planning is also a big advantage. You want to be able to pass your wealth to your heirs. [56:04] A plain vanilla retirement account restricts you to investing on that platform in either stocks, bonds or mutual funds. [57:20] A true self-directed retirement account allows you to get complete control over the money in your account and invest it on anything allowed by the government like real estate, private funds, oil and gas, land, notes, entities, cryptocurrency, and all of the things you hear about. [58:03] You need a special retirement account provider in order to get one of these. [59:07] The source of what you can and can't do is actually the government. The rules of IRAs are enforced by the IRS. [01:02:46] Edwin Kelly is the CEO of Specialized Trust Company.  [01:03:06] Specialized wants you to love your life the way they do. Money can't buy happiness, but being financially free can play a significant role in your life.  [01:04:21] Traditional and Roth IRAs as can be self-directed. [01:09:32] Randy is here to talk about iFlip.  [01:11:47] Traditional investing can expose you to risk. Risk can be reduced if you understand how to time the market. [01:13:13]  The iFlip platform has a low-fee model and can help you time the market. Their platform offers efficiency that can make investing better and drastically change the industry. They are on the forefront of AI investing platforms.  [01:17:16] You don't have to learn anything, the platform does everything. [01:24:49] Investing the right way can turn $100,000 into $2,000,000 dollars. If you did this investment inside a self-directed Roth IRA, you wouldn't have to pay taxes on that $2,000,000 gain. [01:29:15] Eric is here to talk about MLM and product first. He's working with a transdermal HGH cream.  [01:31:03] It's not really selling it's helping people with fitness. His company has now come out with KetoGen4 a keto supplement for weight loss.  [01:32:14] Ketosis can be hard to maintain. Supplements can help with that.  [01:33:16] The HGH gel is also a great product.  [01:34:27] MLM can be an additional source of income. Text HGH3 to 71441. [01:37:37] David is here to talk about crypto. [01:39:54] The altcoin market has returned to their high levels. Bitcoin was the first, and it's not going anywhere. It's not the fastest blockchain.  [01:43:18] Crypto isn't going away. Many companies are building their own coins.  [01:47:36] You can use different experts to create a setup that's perfect for you. [01:48:08] Don't be too busy doing it wrong to stop and do it right. [01:49:22] HGH is a hormone that starts to drop off as we age. HGH can help with the aging process.  [01:53:32] You need a wallet for your crypto assets.  [01:54:18] Blockchain platforms can allow people to get paid in real time. It's really the future of business. [01:56:28] Loral does a live money makeover.  [01:59:32] Jean makes $87,000 and works for The Special Olympics. She needs to become incorporated to save on taxes.  [02:01:27] She's an expert in training and teaching.  [02:02:36] To start a first business, build a funnel.  [02:05:37] Create a wealth account and start stockpiling it. Instead of just saving, be intentional about where that money is and what it does.  [02:09:28] Divorce is a money conversation.  [02:12:10] Get debt cheap and invest the money.  [02:19:38] Having a business with deductions and making money to put back into assets changes everything.  [02:20:59] Edwin shares his self-directed 401k ideas like switching to a Roth IRA that can also be used as an emergency fund.  [02:23:22] Starting a Roth now starts that 5 year clock. [02:23:46] She needs to make more money, form an entity, redo her tax return, restructured debt, and make money to get the stuff done. 

Links and Resources:

Learn How to Act, Think, and Make Money Like a Millionaire With Integrated Wealth BLITZ Session 1
Integrated Wealth Systems
Loral Langemeier on Instagram
The Millionaire Maker: Act, Think, and Make Money the Way the Wealthy Do
The Millionaire Maker's Guide to Wealth Cycle Investing: Build Your Assets Into a Lifetime of Financial Freedom
Loral Langemeier on YouTube
Specialized Trust Company