Previous Episode: Self-Management

Welcome to the weekly market awareness broadcast.  We are continuing our luck versus intention series.  We are talking about getting you the financial results you are looking for.  In part four of the luck versus intention series, we are talking about future pacing.  

In this episode, Loral shares all about future pacing.  Future pacing is planning to a detailed level that most people don’t sit down to do. Loral shares what exactly future pacing is, what you need to be doing, and how it will affect your business and life.  She talks about how to start with your goal in mind and reverse engineer to be successful and meet your goals.  

Show Notes:

[01:40] We are talking about luck and intention and how do you have both.   [02:13] If you don’t have a business plan you’re not going to get anywhere. [03:43] Thomas shares about the Luck or Intention social sharing contest. [06:02] We are in part four of a five-part podcast all about luck and intention.  [07:43] When you have intention, you are clear on your financial IQ, and you are clear on what you are going to create, future pacing is required.  [07:55] You are going to future pace your year.  [09:07] Future pacing does require a calendar.  [10:09] Go out 365 days and reverse engineer your success.  [12:43] Get to that core funnel and just keep repeating it.    [15:15] All of you need a calendar association to your production. What do you need to start doing based on your last month’s production? [17:21] In future pacing, your calendar is number one. Put in all the revenue-producing activities first.   [18:41] As the leader of your organization, future pacing is everything. [21:37] Get the leads in your funnel, pipeline them through your funnel, and get them to buy things through your funnel.   [23:21] You are leading the pace of all that is coming in the future.  It is a significant activity that most leaders don’t do very well.  [24:48] Does everyone on your team know what you are doing? [25:42] It starts with a calendar and every broken-down task that has to be on the calendar. [27:11] You’re going to time block your day.  What are all the things you need to do and how do all the things get the coverage? What is everything and how does it fit? [28:14] Future pacing is planning to a detailed level that most people don’t sit down to do. Overlay future pacing with Building, Leading, and Protecting. [30:05] Planning a month at a time is not enough.  Get out further.  Have your coaching planned and in your calendar.  [31:41] You need goals for the month, week, and day.  Notice the one thing that moves you forward every day.  What is the skill and habit you need to work on? You need to have knowledge of what you are grateful for.  [32:34] When you do your business plan you will start seeing strategies and tactics so your strategy is the big thing and then your tactics are everything it takes to get it done and the team it takes to get it done.   [34:01] Future pacing is a reverse engineering activity.  You set the goal and date and back into it with everything that needs to happen.   [35:40] All eight areas of your life should be getting into the calendar.   [37:29] This isn’t about filling up a busy schedule.  It’s fitting in the things you want.  [38:16] Projects are one thing and process is another.  When you’re future pacing you are designing a process.   [39:47] It is okay to park things, say no to things, and restructure things.   [40:46] Get involved in the Luck or Intention social sharing contest....

Welcome to the weekly market awareness broadcast.  We are continuing our luck versus intention series.  We are talking about getting you the financial results you are looking for.  In part four of the luck versus intention series, we are talking about future pacing.  

In this episode, Loral shares all about future pacing.  Future pacing is planning to a detailed level that most people don’t sit down to do. Loral shares what exactly future pacing is, what you need to be doing, and how it will affect your business and life.  She talks about how to start with your goal in mind and reverse engineer to be successful and meet your goals.  

Show Notes:

[01:40] We are talking about luck and intention and how do you have both.   [02:13] If you don’t have a business plan you’re not going to get anywhere. [03:43] Thomas shares about the Luck or Intention social sharing contest. [06:02] We are in part four of a five-part podcast all about luck and intention.  [07:43] When you have intention, you are clear on your financial IQ, and you are clear on what you are going to create, future pacing is required.  [07:55] You are going to future pace your year.  [09:07] Future pacing does require a calendar.  [10:09] Go out 365 days and reverse engineer your success.  [12:43] Get to that core funnel and just keep repeating it.    [15:15] All of you need a calendar association to your production. What do you need to start doing based on your last month’s production? [17:21] In future pacing, your calendar is number one. Put in all the revenue-producing activities first.   [18:41] As the leader of your organization, future pacing is everything. [21:37] Get the leads in your funnel, pipeline them through your funnel, and get them to buy things through your funnel.   [23:21] You are leading the pace of all that is coming in the future.  It is a significant activity that most leaders don’t do very well.  [24:48] Does everyone on your team know what you are doing? [25:42] It starts with a calendar and every broken-down task that has to be on the calendar. [27:11] You’re going to time block your day.  What are all the things you need to do and how do all the things get the coverage? What is everything and how does it fit? [28:14] Future pacing is planning to a detailed level that most people don’t sit down to do. Overlay future pacing with Building, Leading, and Protecting. [30:05] Planning a month at a time is not enough.  Get out further.  Have your coaching planned and in your calendar.  [31:41] You need goals for the month, week, and day.  Notice the one thing that moves you forward every day.  What is the skill and habit you need to work on? You need to have knowledge of what you are grateful for.  [32:34] When you do your business plan you will start seeing strategies and tactics so your strategy is the big thing and then your tactics are everything it takes to get it done and the team it takes to get it done.   [34:01] Future pacing is a reverse engineering activity.  You set the goal and date and back into it with everything that needs to happen.   [35:40] All eight areas of your life should be getting into the calendar.   [37:29] This isn’t about filling up a busy schedule.  It’s fitting in the things you want.  [38:16] Projects are one thing and process is another.  When you’re future pacing you are designing a process.   [39:47] It is okay to park things, say no to things, and restructure things.   [40:46] Get involved in the Luck or Intention social sharing contest. [41:48] Leadership is never done.  It is a constant work in progress.   [43:34] Check out the Millionaire Maker Meet-Up and Marketplace.  

Links and Resources:

Ask Loral App Loral on Facebook Loral on YouTube Loral on LinkedIn Money Rules Millionaire Maker Store Real Money Talks Podcast Integrated Wealth Systems Affiliate Sign-Up Luck or Intention Contest Building, Leading, and Protecting Your Business Millionaire Maker Think and Grow Rich Power Vs. Force