There are many approaches and business models that entrepreneurs follow in the hopes to be successful in their industry. Having an engaging message both onstage and offstage is one of the sure-fire ways to capture your audience and make an impact on others. With this strategy in mind, our guest today, Scott deMoulin, founder of Destiny Training Systems, believes people need to be more strategic in conveying their message, market, and money. 

On today’s episode, Scott talks about the significance of creating and providing value over competing with others. He also shares the things you need to know to be a successful entrepreneur and the importance of knowing the legacy you want to leave as you impact others with the money you’re making.


“Engage from the stage is how you elevate your impact, influence, and income.” - Scott deMoulin

In This Episode of Real Money Talks: 

What makes Scott’s process different from the rest The business model Scott offers to entrepreneurs and solopreneurs Scripting and who creates it Reasons for shifting from being tactical in your business to being strategic in life

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