I have a very special guest today. Maria Watson is a nutraceutical veteran who has built and consulted with companies that have earned millions of dollars. Every episode is about investing, growing, and keeping your money. This episode is no different. I have just partnered with Maria on a manufacturing facility that is known for quality. At this facility, we will be producing different supplement lines. 

We focus on wealth but are also strong believers in health and the power of quality supplements. In this episode, Maria shares her contagious enthusiasm for health, supplements, and quality control. We talk about our new partnership, and the exciting potential for creating and growing wealth. I am super excited to introduce Maria and dive more into this topic.  

You can find Maria here: 

Perfect Vitamin Products Ask Loral 

Show Notes  [01:38] Maria Watson is 62 years old. In 1987, she lost her three year old son to a drunk driver. She then spent three years being overly medicated for depression.   [02:16] She was certain that she would never get out of that dark state.  [02:25] She was introduced to an amino acid supplement that literally gave Maria her brain back.  [02:43] Maria wanted people to feel good too and shared the information about the supplement, but she never correlated it with money.  [03:10] She eventually realized that this product could be monetized. Although, she got into the manufacturing process mostly to control the quality.  [03:41] Loral and her partner Ben are about to start breaking ground on a 23-acre cannabis facility.   [04:27] They have also been trying to find ways for Canadians to save money on taxes.  [04:44] They are buying three dispensaries and contracting growers.   [05:21] When you are in the space of making money and making deals, things come to you.   [05:26] Ben found Maria and now they have made a manufacturing deal. The intention is to be a partner and eventually buy Maria out.   [06:11] The goal for the plant is to keep people healthy while making a lot of money.   [06:12] Maria is more focused on the health side of the business.   [06:40] Maria started out with amino acids and then learned about hormone replacement, iodine, nitric oxide, and then cannabis.   [06:57] With the partnership, Maria's 28 years of nutraceutical knowledge can be combined with the cannabis industry to make quality products and change lives.   [07:49] Hemp and CBD can immediately reduce anxiety without getting you high. Cash comes with solving massive problems.  [08:07] What matters to Maria is doing it right.   [08:48] Maria got into the supplement business because of a need. She married her husband who owned Vitamin Research Products. They built that company up, but her husband had concerns about the regulatory environment.  [09:43] They built an amazing manufacturing facility from the ground up. Her husband sold the business, and they retired.  [10:28] Maria didn't want to be retired, and around the same time the buyers of the business wanted to renegotiate the deal, and Maria got the manufacturing facility back.   [11:16] Maria decided to start over again from scratch.  [11:54] She rehired her employees and started purchasing equipment.   [12:50] Partnering with Loral has enabled Maria to find new customers. Including the private line for Alzheimer's specialist Dr. Trinh, another customer who has a private line on Amazon, and a private line for Loral.   [13:08] Loral has believed in supplements all of her life.   [14:28] How everybody thinks they are supposed to take calcium, but not all calcium works the same. Plus, you need to take vitamin D3 and K2 with the calcium.  ...

I have a very special guest today. Maria Watson is a nutraceutical veteran who has built and consulted with companies that have earned millions of dollars. Every episode is about investing, growing, and keeping your money. This episode is no different. I have just partnered with Maria on a manufacturing facility that is known for quality. At this facility, we will be producing different supplement lines. 

We focus on wealth but are also strong believers in health and the power of quality supplements. In this episode, Maria shares her contagious enthusiasm for health, supplements, and quality control. We talk about our new partnership, and the exciting potential for creating and growing wealth. I am super excited to introduce Maria and dive more into this topic.  

You can find Maria here: 

Perfect Vitamin Products Ask Loral 

Show Notes  [01:38] Maria Watson is 62 years old. In 1987, she lost her three year old son to a drunk driver. She then spent three years being overly medicated for depression.   [02:16] She was certain that she would never get out of that dark state.  [02:25] She was introduced to an amino acid supplement that literally gave Maria her brain back.  [02:43] Maria wanted people to feel good too and shared the information about the supplement, but she never correlated it with money.  [03:10] She eventually realized that this product could be monetized. Although, she got into the manufacturing process mostly to control the quality.  [03:41] Loral and her partner Ben are about to start breaking ground on a 23-acre cannabis facility.   [04:27] They have also been trying to find ways for Canadians to save money on taxes.  [04:44] They are buying three dispensaries and contracting growers.   [05:21] When you are in the space of making money and making deals, things come to you.   [05:26] Ben found Maria and now they have made a manufacturing deal. The intention is to be a partner and eventually buy Maria out.   [06:11] The goal for the plant is to keep people healthy while making a lot of money.   [06:12] Maria is more focused on the health side of the business.   [06:40] Maria started out with amino acids and then learned about hormone replacement, iodine, nitric oxide, and then cannabis.   [06:57] With the partnership, Maria's 28 years of nutraceutical knowledge can be combined with the cannabis industry to make quality products and change lives.   [07:49] Hemp and CBD can immediately reduce anxiety without getting you high. Cash comes with solving massive problems.  [08:07] What matters to Maria is doing it right.   [08:48] Maria got into the supplement business because of a need. She married her husband who owned Vitamin Research Products. They built that company up, but her husband had concerns about the regulatory environment.  [09:43] They built an amazing manufacturing facility from the ground up. Her husband sold the business, and they retired.  [10:28] Maria didn't want to be retired, and around the same time the buyers of the business wanted to renegotiate the deal, and Maria got the manufacturing facility back.   [11:16] Maria decided to start over again from scratch.  [11:54] She rehired her employees and started purchasing equipment.   [12:50] Partnering with Loral has enabled Maria to find new customers. Including the private line for Alzheimer's specialist Dr. Trinh, another customer who has a private line on Amazon, and a private line for Loral.   [13:08] Loral has believed in supplements all of her life.   [14:28] How everybody thinks they are supposed to take calcium, but not all calcium works the same. Plus, you need to take vitamin D3 and K2 with the calcium.   [15:22] Nutrients are not all created equal, so it is important to educate people and your followers about what to take.   [15:37] Maria's products at her old company were known for quality and having the right nutrients at the right level to be effective.   [15:57] All of the lines made at the facility will be made right with the proper products, combinations, and amounts.  [16:37] The combined group has certifications that no other group in the US have. These are verified certifications that involve physical audits.  [17:50] Maria welcomes the audits, because she wants to prove that she is doing it right in this world. They will have the certifications to ensure purity and dosage requirements.   [19:21] The certifications make the facility more marketable and help prove the quality of the products.  [20:20] Finding clients and learning how to cut yourself into the deal.  [20:58] The original amino acid supplement that Maria took was from an MLM company. She never really understood the payment plan. When the quality of the product changed, she was forced into manufacturing.   [21:40] MLMs sometimes destroy the integrity of the product, because so many people need to get paid.   [22:29] You don't have to do everything yourself. Look for people you know that can help with a deal.  [22:46] Maria's plant has research and development and food scientists that are part of her team.   [23:16] Maria's group can create products that get results. The team that Loral is putting together will be able to make money.  [23:57] Loral wasn't dissing MLMs. She loves MLMs done right. It is an exciting time with the green rush and all of the infused product lines hitting the market.  [24:49] There is so much to be uncovered. The potential is there. Especially in the anti-aging group. Hemp components may even be able to be utilized for weight loss.  [25:27] Loral, Ben and Maria will do a future panel and podcast.   [25:28] The goal is to help people to engage in the conversation of making more money, keeping more money, and better tax strategies.  
Links and Resources:  Loral’s Real Money Talks  International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute  Health Brain Club With Dr. Trinh  Loral Langemeier on Facebook