My good friend and client Eric Carlin is here with the CEO of Wine Ambassador Rory Riccord. One of the ways to earn and keep more of your money is to have a business with a business entity, so you can deduct expenses and generate that all important revenue. Today we are talking about an opportunity to create a cash machine that can generate a great income or be used as an additional cash machine. 

It’s also a way to enjoy the finer things in life and be able to legitimately deduct them as business expenses. Eric and Rory are going to tell us about an opportunity at Wine Ambassador. This is a company that has a complete system to create an income by being a Wine Ambassador. It’s also a great way to enjoy quality fine wines at an affordable or in most cases free way and generate an income while doing so. Direct to consumer wine sales has grown from 3% to 10% in the last four years. 

People love access to high quality wines and love the convenience of having it delivered to their doors. This is a new opportunity that uses a proven system honed over decades to generate leads, profits, and sales. You also get a full education in SEO and other digital marketing techniques, so that you never run out of prospects, leads, people to sell to, opportunities, and money. This is an exciting time to learn all about this great company and industry. 

You can find Eric and Rory here:

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Show Notes:

[01:40] Eric lives in Las Vegas and has been part of Loral's community since May of 2017.   [02:08] Rory is the CEO of Wine Ambassador. He's also been a professional internet marketer for 30 years. He also has a revolutionary approach to network marketing. [03:15] Wine Ambassador wines are fine wines without sulfites.  [04:18] As laws that prohibit cross-border wine shipping wind down, opportunity for direct-to-consumer wine has opened up. In four years it has grown from 3.5% to 10%. [05:01] We want stuff delivered to us at a fraction of the price. [05:53] Rory has been an affiliate marketer. He's sharing his experience with this wine ambassador family. [06:26] Wine is a relevant easy to market topic. Wine is just one of those things we care about. [07:10] We have a solution that people want, and we teach it and make it available. We have mechanisms in place and provide paid marketing. [08:02] We have so many marketing legs that it allows us to take somebody with little or no knowledge and apply it in ways that they can create revenue on a regular basis. [09:55] This is a formal company, and you can get a formal entity so you can deduct going wine tasting and any other business expenses. [10:30] It starts with the grape, soil, and weather. The Napa Valley produces amazing wine. We bring high-quality wine to the general public. We eliminate the middleman and bottle it with our own private label. [12:15] We create amazing opportunities to get four bottles of great wine for $100 a month.  [13:41] Eric has also been a professional network marketer for 22 years. We have a lead generation program for when you run out of friends and family. The only way to fail is being lazy or afraid of rejection.  [15:11] Rory has been creating leads for years. Being trained in the system gives you all of the marketing that you need.  [16:18] He has all of the lead capture programs in place. They teach how to be the best affiliate marketer possible.  [17:51] We give you leads to bring in two or three people a week. Then those people bring in two or three people a week and pretty soon you have a huge business. [18:35] Anybody can turn this into a full-time career income. [19:24] Eric says this is a system for the average person to become successful themselves. You never run out of leads to talk to. [19:52] It doesn't take a lot to get to $500 a week. If you're making $500 a week, you're coming from a position of strength. [21:09] We teach SEO and help you get free organic blog traffic.  [21:49] Wine is an opening cash machine that just expands to more. The sooner you get in the more you will learn. [22:50] You can actually duplicate this process over the internet in a home-based industry. [23:51] You don't have to drink to sell wine.  [24:32] You'll learn so much about internet marketing as you begin to learn how to market this product. [27:03] They are expanding and taking these products worldwide. Wine is everywhere.  

Links and Resources:

Ask Loral
Wine Ambassador