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Having a business strategy can be the difference between running a profitable business and having to close the doors. Do you have a business strategy? What is your strategy for this year? If you don't have a clearly defined strategy, it is something worth spending time thinking about. Do you have what Jim Collins refers to as a BHAG or big hairy audacious goal for your business this year?

Today, I talk about the difference between having a strategy and tactics. A strategy is a big plan and goal for your business and the tactics are the little things that get you there. I also talk about having a measurable strategy. If you can't measure it and quantify it, there is no way to know if it is working. I also talk about stepping into the future and embracing different channels and technology instead of just doing the same thing over and over. 


"Think about what you are doing, what you are attached to, and how it can be different."



In This Episode of Real Money Talks: 

Importance of business strategy and big goals Using different channels to promote your business Having the ability to measure and test strategies Focusing on modernizing industry specific models Finding the thing that drives cash to the bottom line

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