Previous Episode: Good Debt vs Bad Debt

Many of you have goals and dreams in life. These goals allow you to keep your focus and your eye on the prize. If your goals direct you where you desire to go, why are so many left frustrated, depressed, and settled in the status quo? 


In today’s episode, I talk about specific steps you can take with a definite time plan that will help you achieve your goals. I have been doing this for two decades and have no intention of changing my ways. It has allowed me to prioritize my most important elements and activities as I move closer to my goals. It will work for you, too, as you assess your goals and understand the concept of 120-day future planning and how it would guide you to achieving your aspirations.  



The commitment to the actions is in direct reflection and indication of your success. 




In This Episode of Real Money Talks:  

Four critical success factors and how to make them happen  Defining cascading planning and the steps you need to take to get it done  Identifying high-level success factors and key performance indicators  Learning the “how to” in getting things done  What not to do – learning from the big, costly mistake I have made in the past  Defining future pacing and why it is important 



Essential Questions to Ask When Planning:  

What needs to be done? 
Who is going to do it? 
When will it get done? 




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Loral Langemeier is on a mission – to educate and empower the Real Money Talks community on how to have those important money talks that are straight, to the point, and can be applied to every aspect of your life. So, tune in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on iTunes to learn, ask Loral a question, and create your path to financial freedom! Don’t forget to leave a review and grab your free gifts on