Every day, all around the world, people constantly say “I need to make more money.” Whether they are working a full-time 9-5 job, or are working multiple jobs to make ends meet, millions of people need to make more money to live the life of their dreams.

So, how can you utilize the skills you already possess to make more money, improve your financial stability while having the freedom you want and deserve?

By having a revenue producing day.

A revenue producing day is when you are making money every single day. If you want to grow your income by an extra $12,000 – or even $120,000 – you need to sit down, dig deep within yourself, and figure out what skills you possess that can serve your community and grow your income revenue.

On today’s episode, we’re going to talk about what you can do, part-time, to add an extra stream of income to your personal finances, how to make an extra $50 to $500 a day, and what plans and systems you need to develop to help you reach your income goals in 2017.


A system is what creates success – not you.


In This Episode of Real Money Talks:

How to have a revenue producing day. What you need to do to organize, plan, and structure your life to improve your daily revenue. My formula to help you determine your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly income goals. Why being extremely intentional with your networking strategies. How to network with intention.


Real Money Talks Resources:

Put More Cash in Your Pocket book by Loral Langemeier


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Loral Langemeier is on a mission – to educate and empower the Real Money Talks community on how to have those important money talks that are straight, to the point, and can be applied to every aspect of your life. So, tune in every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on iTunes to learn, ask Loral a question, and create your path to financial freedom! Don’t forget to leave a review and grab your free gifts on AskLoral.com!