Master of Meditation Daniel Mitel, who was a computer engineer by profession with a MBA in Business, started teaching Zen Meditation in 1981 and in 1991 he began meditating with the Romanian Mystic, Lady Ana, who connected him with “The School of The Heart”.  He has been teaching Heart Imagery workshops world-wide since 1996.  Drunvalo Melchizedek has appointed Daniel in the first Council of the School of Remembering: Awakening the illuminated heart (ATIH) Teacher’s council.  As an author, International lecturer and martial arts master, Daniel is dedicated to inspiring the world to move from violence to peace and from anger to love.  He is the actual custodian leader of the ancient The School of The Heart (TSOTH) an organization that helps humanity to reconnect with the Higher Self, to create from the heart and to remember who we really are