Famous People who are associated with the Isle of Wight

We tell you every week about why we love the Isle of Wight and why you should visit and we are not alone, throughout the years there have been a number of famous people who have been born here, lived here or famously visited.

What we will tell you about in this episode

Famous people born on the Isle of Wight including;

Bear Grylls
Jeremy Irons
Phil Jupitus
Anthony Minghella 

Famous people who live here now & in the past;

Melvyn Hayes
Alan Titchmarsh
Ellen McArthur
Queen Victoria

Famous people in history who have visited the Isle of Wight

Winston Churchill
Oliver Cromwell
Lord Nelson 
Mahatma Gandhi

Infamous people detained on the Isle of Wight
Famous Star Spotting including;

Robert Pattinson
Kirsten Stewart
Benedict Cumberbatch
Martin Freeman

In the News

Ali's news covers a topic which may or may not have been covered before! A brand new attraction coming to East Cowes, Random Rooms - Escape Rooms. Get padlocked into a room with a handful of your closest friends and try to find your way out.

In a rather slow news week Tony brings Gull Proof recycling bag news.

Food & Drink 

In the food and drink segment we were really impressed by the service at Dimbola Lodge in Freshwater Bay. Also a great selection of cakes and very good coffee.

Links you may find helpful 


Dimbola Lodge 

Buy your tickets for the Isle of Wight Festival 2016 here - Tickets cost £200 with the booking fee.