Have we got an important announcement for you! Our newest segment, REAL BING BOOK REVIEWS is ready for your ear holes!

Would you like to hear Aulden and Jacob read through one of the worst books ever and slowly but surely lose their minds? Of course you do! Want to listen? Give us a ITunes review or contact us on Twitter or Instagram with your favorite RHB moment for the SECRET PASSWORD! Oooooooooooh!

Blurb: What happens when Canadian HUDSON SMITH comes to Baishantan to teach at the Chinese Harmonious International Peace School? Well, lots of hijinks! Mostly prejudiced assumptions about the Chinese culture and the shallowest understanding of how to write a plot. Can you believe this was part of a master's project? Neither can we!

End Notes:

C.H.I.P.S. In China - https://books.google.com/books/about/C_H_I_P_S_in_China.html?id=BJRdNtjpfiQC Real Bing Book Reviews - https://www.realhumanbings.com/bing-book-reviews