Wowie this was a long one to finish. It was bit cursed with a lot of work having to get done on it, almost like Denis didn't want our lukewarm takes about this movie to be out there! (*Gasp*)

Yes we are indeed speaking about the 2021 Oscar nominated film "Dune" with a special guest, Marc Schermerhorn! We touch on our histories with Dune the property, our Good, Bad and Uglies, and look at rule 34 of the navigators! Last but not least, picks of the week!


- JPEG Mafia -

- Silk Sonic -

- I'll leave the Brooklyn 99 Finale recap to someone who actually watched it... -

- Career Suicide is funny and heartbreaking -

- Cuz this other little podcast by Gethard needs the boost from RHB nation (Rochester episode!) -