About James Clear:


Hi there, I'm James Clear. I'm an American author, entrepreneur, and photographer. I'm also the guy behind JamesClear.com (naturally).

This website is the home of my life's work. I write about habits and human potential. The central question I’m trying to answer through my work is, “How can we live better?”

In order to answer that question, I uncover the latest scientific research and explain it in a way that you can easily understand and actually use. As I share these science-based ideas for living a better life, I like to showcase the habits and rituals of athletes, artists, and entrepreneurs. By analyzing the stories of top performers from many different fields and understanding proven scientific principles, we can start to tease out the common characteristics that make these people the best at what they do.

My specific focus is on self-improvement tips based on proven scientific research.

I believe the best way to change the world is in concentric circles: start with yourself and work your way out from there. If you get yourself sorted out, then that is one less person for the world to worry about. You'll be in a position to contribute rather than consume. You will add order rather than disorder.

I write about the art and science of how to live better. Science because I am concerned with the root causes of our behavior and the data behind high performance. Art because I want to figure out how to apply these ideas and put them into daily practice.

But I don't merely write about things. Along the way, I like to try out the concepts for myself as I experiment with building better habits as an entrepreneur, writer, and weightlifter. In the end, my work ends up being one-part storytelling, one-part academic research, one-part personal experiment. It's a colorful blend of inspirational stories, academic science, hard-earned wisdom.

The primary place that I share this information is through my weekly newsletter. Hundreds of thousands of people receive my articles via email each week. You can sign up below. You'll only get information on how to master your habits and live a better life. Nothing annoying or unexpected.

I don't claim to have all the answers and I still have a lot to learn, but I'm happy to share what I've learned along the way.


Order ATOMIC HABITS: https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits


About eMeals:

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eMeals meal plans simplify the process for getting healthy and delicious meals on the table. eMeals provides simple-to-follow recipes and 1-click shopping lists. Subscribers can choose to either pick-up items on the shopping lists themselves or utilize the newly integrated grocery delivery option through AmazonFresh and Instacart or curbside pickup with Walmart Grocery or Kroger ClickList. Start your FREE 2-week trial today.

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