Welcome to the Real Fit podcast with Pam Moore! 

This is a podcast featuring conversations with remarkable women athletes where we get real about issues like body image, impostor syndrome, and empowerment. I’m so glad you’re here.

Do you ever struggle to take the next step in your life because you’re worried about failing or what other people will think?

Do you worry that you’re not enough—not good enough, successful enough, or thin enough?

Do you ever wonder if your self-worth hinges too strongly on your weight or your athletic performance?

I created Real Fit for women like you.

I’m your host, Pam Moore and I believe stories have the power to change lives. My goal is to share stories that will make you feel less alone and inspire you to be your best self.

I am a freelance women’s health and fitness writer, body-positive health coach, author, speaker, and occupational therapist. My writing has been published in places like The Washington Post, The Guardian, Time, Runner’s World, and Outside.

Despite—or probably because of—being picked last for every team as a kid, I’m a two-time Ironman finisher, a six-time marathoner, and a certified personal trainer.

I’m also a mom of two and like you, I'm busy and I don't have time for fluff. Welcome to Real Fit— where we will talk to real, badass women like you about the stuff that actually matters.

💖 Are you ready to heal your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? I'm  an intuitive eating coach and I’d love to help. Click here to learn more.

💌 Struggling with your body image? Sign up for my newsletter and get my FREE printable guide, 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Better About Your Body

✍️ Want to know my secrets for getting published in top publications?
They’re all in my e-book, 7 Pitches That Sold. Use the code realfit50 to get half off.

Website: pam-moore.com
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pammoore303
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pammoorewriter/
Instagram: @PamMoore303
Twitter: @PamMooreWriter

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