Nesha is a USAF veteran, mom of 3, former track and field sprinter turned half marathoner, certified HR consultant by trade & founder of Courage Hackers, a self leadership development company for women over 30. 

For more details click here 

**Trigger warning: Pregnancy loss**

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Courage Hackers podcast

Show notes 

Nesha’s take on self-leadership   Finding spirituality in runningThe surprising — and heartbreaking — reason Nesha quit the track team and dropped out of college, which she calls “the only regret I have in my life.”From college to McDonald’sJoining the Air Force, being deployed to South Korea and having amazing female leaderships On being an introvert Finding her voice; learning how to speak up for who she was and what she stood forHer quarter-life crisis, which led Nesha to ask: “Who am I and what do I want?”Sitting in her car for ten minutes in the middle of the day as a form of self-careOn staying focused on your vision while still getting the day to day stuff done as a mom of threeGoing through recurrent pregnancy loss How miscarriages saved her life Nesha doesn’t wear socks on runs (even long runs!)

20-Something, 20-Everything by Christine Hassler
Brendan Burchard
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson
The Body Project - home workouts on YouTube


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