Welcome to this episode of the Real Fast Results podcast!  Dan Janal is today’s special guest.  If you have a brand, or you would like to build a brand by writing a book, then you are definitely in the right spot.  Dan has actually written more than a dozen books, and his latest book is called, Write Your Book in a Flash: The Paint by Number System to Write the Book of Your Dreams – Fast! Dan is also one of the founding fathers of internet marketing because he wrote one of the very first books of the field.  That was way back in 1993.  So, he has been in the game a long time, and he has built quite a reputation as an expert in the field, as noted by the Los Angeles Times.  Dan is also a publicity as well as a marketing expert, and he has helped many people build their platform.  He also holds a master’s degree in journalism, is an award-winning newspaper reporter and business newspaper editor, and he helps a number of thought leaders and business executives write their books, and of course, build a bigger platform and increase their sales.  Please welcome Dan to the show… Big Promise: How to Overcome the Barriers to Writing a Book Thanks for having me here.  I promise you that the next few minutes will be very, very valuable for you.  My big promise to you is that you will overcome the barriers to writing a book.  You know, everyone wants to write a book, but somehow they talk themselves out of it.  During the next few minutes, we are going to go over some of the most frequently asked questions. [bctt tweet="Anyone who wants more business should write a book." username="danielhall"] If you are a bricklayer, you show up for work every day.  No one says, “Oh, I don’t feel inspired to dig my ditch today,” or “I don’t feel inspired to lay bricks today.”  Or, “I’m waiting for some inspiration to come so that I can dig a ditch.”  They just show up and work.  Somehow, for writers, it’s like, “I’m looking at a blank page.  I have writer’s block.”  Well, you know, the secretary is filing a ton of insurance forms a day.  She doesn’t get “filer’s block,” but somehow we get blocks.  So, in the next few minutes we are going to overcome some of those blocks, and I’ll show you how you can write a book fast, fast, fast, fast, fast. Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode Learn Who should write a book How having a book helps clients select you Your book is a big business card The benefits from writing a book The Paint-by-Numbers System to Writing a Book Start with 10 chapters Write for 15 minutes a day Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode Connecting with Dan Go to my website, which has the same name as my book, WriteYourBookInAFlash.com.  That’s another rule for you guys.  When you’re naming your book, use words that you can’t possibly misspell.  WriteYourBookInAFlash.com.  There are no crazy numbers, no 4’s and no 2’s.  Nothing that’s like, “Oh my gosh!  I wish that I had known that before."  Now you know.  Pick an easy title and use keywords. Real Fast Results Community If you are diggin’ on this stuff and really love what we’re doing here at Real Fast Results, would you please do me a favor? Head on over to iTunes, and make sure that you subscribe to this show, download it, and rate & review it. That would be an awesome thing. Of course, we also want to know your results. Please share those results with us at http://www.realfastresults.com/results. As always, go make results happen!