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Hello!  Welcome to the podcast!  Bob Lee is this week’s special guest.  Bob is a management consultant and author of the book, Trust Rules: How the World’s Best Managers Create Great Places to Work.  The really interesting thing about Bob, and one of the reasons for his visit today, is that he has taken a unique approach to getting his book to become well-distributed internationally.  Let’s see if he’ll share a few insights on how he accomplished this.  Please welcome Bob to the show… 

Promise: Increase Your Market Reach

Hi! Thanks for having me.  I suppose the big promise is that I will explain how to use the new power of on-demand publishing, combined with a carefully curated network of people in your market, or rather, the markets that matter to you, in order to leverage your personal brand, and personal profile.  By doing so, you’ll increase the extent by which you have influence within various markets, including outspreading to markets that you wouldn’t normally be capable of reaching.