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Hello! Welcome to the podcast! Today, JV Crum III is joining us. Inc. Magazine recently recognized JV’s show, Conscious Millionaire podcast and radio network, as one of the top 13 business shows. Over 1,800 episodes have been recorded, and it has been listened to in over 190 countries. JV is also a #1 bestselling author, speaker, and serial entrepreneur who made his first million at the young age of 25. He is known as the “Conscious Millionaire Mentor” to entrepreneurs and small business owners all over the world. Please welcome him to the show…

Promise: Discover the Formula for Creating Author Wealth

That is such a great question. First of all, I just want to say hello to all of the authors who are out there. I wrote my first book, and I’m pleased to tell you that it became the #1 book on all of Amazon. It was #1 in 34 categories simultaneously. We had over 50,000 downloads in just over three days. So, I think books are one of the most important ways to not only get your message out there, but also, to give you credibility, and to open doors.

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