Is the Market Changing?

On this episode of Real Estate Talk what we are going to discuss is what's happening in the market right now. And what do we predict for the rest of August into September and then the final quarter of the year. So let's get started. Let's think about this a little bit. If you've been following the podcast, and if you have been listening to other real estate professionals and finance professionals, you have heard from the beginning of the year that there could be a bubble, there could be a bubble, things could burst. Are things slowing down, are things changing? Yes, absolutely things are changing. Let's start with new construction.

What's expected for the rest of the year?

Not a burst in a bubble as some think.  The market is now slowing, it's adjusting.  We are so use to a lighting fast market that things are feeling weird for a home to sit on the market for even a couple of weeks.  This is normal, not a declining market.

✅ Housing Inventory is low
✅ Housing Demand is high
✅ Interest Rates are low
✅ What buyers and sellers need to know about the market