Real Estate Talk will the bubble burst in 2021?

Hi, everyone, Troy Sage here with Real Estate Talk, and we're going to be discussing the second half of 2021. Wow, the first half of 2021 has been absolutely crazy, has it not? Prices increasing, increasing, increasing. For sellers, that's fantastic news. There's tons of equity that you're gaining in your current properties, whether you're owner occupied or you're an investor, you are making money every single month just by owning a home. So that's great news for sellers. The challenge for buyers is in certain markets, they're being outbid, sometimes 10% to 50% above list price. So buyers are sort of losing their mind in today's market. When you see a home priced at $300,000 and it sells for $375,000, $400,000, $425,000. It's a major challenge for the home buyers to actually get into the marketplace right now. So what can we do in today's market for buyers and sellers? Well, as I've already said, sellers, you are in a great position because you have equity almost every single day.

So what are we expecting to happen here now?   Check out our latest episode of Real Estate Talk and hear the predictions for the rest of 2021.

Will there be a Bubble that Burst in 2021?

✅ How to get an offer accepted
✅ Housing Inventory
✅ How to purchase New Construction
✅ Negotiating the Best Deal
✅ Where is the market going in the next few months?
✅ Cost of Purchasing New Construction
✅ What home sellers need to know about the current market
✅ Preparing for a smooth closing. 

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