We interviewed Eric Upchurch, an Army Special Operations veteran who grew up in Central Iowa, where learned at an early age that if you want something, you need to work for it. Following an opportunity, he relocated to California with a friend immediately after high school, attended culinary school, junior college and ultimately transferred to UC Santa Barbara where he met his wife. After graduating, Eric joined the Army where he served for six years in Savannah, GA. As part of the Active Duty Passive Income team, Eric has a passion for educating the military community on how to create long term wealth through real estate investing, while personally investing across the country for the last fourteen years. Eric has an extensive real estate background and is now invested in over 1100 apartment units as both a General and Limited Partner.

In this episode, we cover several key topics including:

Limiting Beliefs (and How He Dealt with Them)
Why It’s Important to Involve the Community a Property is Located
How to Make Your LOIs Stand Out
And lots more!

Connect with Eric Upchurch:

Website  -  https://www.activedutypassiveincome.com/
LinkedIn  -  https://www.linkedin.com/company/active-duty-passive-income/
Instagram  -  https://www.instagram.com/activedutypassiveincome/
Youtube  -  https://www.youtube.com/activedutypassiveincome
Facebook -  https://www.facebook.com/ActiveDutyPassiveIncome/
Podcast  -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-active-duty-passive-income-podcast/id1397205982?mt=2

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