We interviewed Michael Ketchen, founder of Commonwealth Collective, LLC.. Founded in 2016, his real estate investment company currently owns and operates residential and commercial rental properties in Maine and New Hampshire.

In this episode, we cover several key topics including:

How He Approaches “Mom and Pop” Multifamily Owners
Why He Has Vertically Integrated Property Management Operation
How He Systemizes His Networking, and Why It’s Important
And lots more!

Connect with Michael

Website  -  https://www.cc-rei.com/
Instagram  -  https://www.instagram.com/mketchen/?hl=en
Youtube  -  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC05lKeGlMSQ6DXkq6BX3hkA
Podcast  -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tell-us-why/id1567453085

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