We interviewed Terry Hale, an active investor and CEO of a private commercial real estate firm that provides acquisitions for all commercial property types and investment opportunities. The firm executes value-add strategies through direct and joint venture investments throughout the U.S..

In this episode, we cover several key topics including:

What He Looks For In a Good Investment Opportunity
How He Buys Multifamily Properties with Seller Financing (and How He Pitches It!)
Why It’s Important to Find Good Partners (and Avoid The Bad Ones)
How He’s Able to Maximize Opportunity at Any Stage of the Market Cycle
And lots more!

Connect with Terry:

Website  -  https://terryhale.com/
LinkedIn  -  https://www.linkedin.com/in/terry-hale-b049667b/
Instagram  -  https://www.instagram.com/terryhale_wealth.by.design/
Youtube  -  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv1H5Oley2tVX4fPS4myLAw
Email  -  [email protected]
Facebook -  https://www.facebook.com/terryhaletraining/
Podcast  -  https://terryhale.com/the-terry-hale-show-episode-1/

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