Being wealthy is meaningless if you’re not healthy, but unfortunately, for a lot of people wellness is a lot more elusive than money. With all the illnesses and diseases out there,  it seems like our bodies are ticking timebombs, but that doesn’t have to be the case.


With the right modalities, our bodies can sustain and health themselves, and we won’t have to rely on traditional medicine. How have thousands of people solved their health issues through fasting? How do we cut through the health lies we’ve been told and key into what our bodies are telling us?


In this episode, I’m joined by health guru, author, speaker, wellness consultant, and founder of A Healthy Alternative, Chris Freeman. He shares how we can transform our lives by changing our relationship with food, and how we can create the ultimate legacy for our children - one of wellness.


The body is the only thing that heals the body. -Chris Freeman 

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 


-Eat your water 

Could certain foods be a richer source of hydration than the 8 glasses we’ve been told to drink everyday?


-How to get rid of hunger pangs 

How do we start fasting without setting ourselves up for failure?


-Build on your passion

How did Chris build a thriving community on YouTube?


Guest Bio


Chris Freeman is a health guru, author, speaker, wellness consultant, and the founder of A Healthy Alternative. A Healthy Alternative is here to help you realize your potential as a whole(listic) human “Being” primarily through, but not limited to, Water Fasting. A Healthy Alternative is a wellness community with water fasting as its fundamental practice. 

For more information, head to,, and subscribe to the YouTube channel.