As a former call center manager Juan has years of experience training and developing callers to effectively communicate and negotiate. Juan has applied that experience to real estate initially as a wholesaler but more recently into building a team of virtual assistants to make contact with potential motivated sellers.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
How Juan and his team generate leads, and what they look for in determining who to call that might be willing to sell at a discount
How Juan tracks down potential sellers to be able to initiate contact and express an interest in buying
How Juan’s virtual assistants “feel out” their contacts using scripts to gauge their interest in selling
How Juan uses feedback from his virtual assistants to make improvements to his scripts and find holes in the process
How to create an outbound calling room to free yourself up to focus on closing deals
Why it’s worthwhile to take the time to train VAs to do your calling for you
Why it’s important to understand laws such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and other rules that govern outbound calling
How Juan and his team make passive money and more than earn the cost of employing them
Why the partnership between Mitch and Juan is highly profitable and benefits everyone involved
Why working in cold-calling has helped Juan learn other aspects of the real estate business he wouldn’t otherwise have had exposure to

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