Sharon Vornholt has been investing in real estate in the Louisville, KY area since 1998. In addition to being a full-time investor, she is the creator of the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog and hosts a popular podcast called “Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing”. Sharon writes articles for a number of sites for real estate investors, and she is a regular contributor to REI Wealth Magazine. She is also a coach, a mentor and hosts several live events every year.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
Why Sharon specializes in probate, marketing and branding; and how she got involved in real estate
Sharon’s advice for getting started in probate and for tracking down leads and getting probate lists
Why you only need to know the name and address of the deceased and the name and address of the executor
Why it’s vitally important to make connections and form relationships of trust with probate attorneys
How persistence can be the pillar of successful direct mailing campaigns, especially in probate homes
Why Sharon doesn’t mail to surviving spouses, and why she likes using professional letters
How to use Bonjoro Video Email to reach out to prospective sellers and get their attention
Why the key to success in probate real estate is maintaining momentum and sending repeated, low-key contact
Bonjoro Video Email: