Jacki Simon was born and raised in Pensacola, FL. She moved to Clearwater, FL in 1986 where she still resides. She is married and has two grown sons.

Jacki has been exposed to Real Estate since her teens where her first job was in the Mortgage Lending Division at the local Savings and Loan. She went on to become a Loan Officer and later owing J.S. Investment Group Inc. A private mortgage company that lent money to Rehabbers. She also started a title company, Dynasty Title Inc. During this same period, she was buying and rehabbing many single-family homes.

Jacki has a real passion for learning new things and is a big believer in multiple streams of income and not putting your eggs in one basket. She enjoys trading options in the stock market, collecting coins and even made enough money playing blackjack to completely furnish her new home.

Her latest passion is in Natural Healing after being diagnosed in 2015 with Stage 3, Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Of all the breast cancers, triple negative has the lowest survival rate and highest rate of Cancer returning. To make matters worse, Jacki’s cancer was very fast growing. Her tumor quadrupled in size in just 90 days. Jacki was more interested in quality of life than just living so she refused chemo and radiation and instead chose nutrition and detoxification as her method of healing. She has been very public about her journey and now gives lectures on how to heal your body naturally with diet and herbs.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
Jacki Simon’s experiences navigating the real estate market in different areas during its ups and downs over the years
Why it’s good to learn from your mistakes and figure out the best time to move on from a bad business investment
What Jacki went through when facing the reality of being diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer
Getting yourself into the right state of mind to overcome what seems like impossible odds
Taking on the challenge of treating a daunting cancer diagnosis through Gerson therapy and forgoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment
Being brave enough to stick with a controversial decision in the face of professional opinions and doing what you feel is right for your personal situation
How Jacki found out about a documentary on Gerson therapy before her diagnosis while attending a Ron Legrand boot camp
The importance of having a support system around you when making decisions about how you will handle adverse health challenges
Insight into how Gerson therapy works and the difficulty of sticking with the regime for a long period of time
Deciding whether something’s worth a large monetary investment when it comes to saving your own life
Knowing when to ask for or hire extra help when you find yourself reaching your limits
How the desire to prove critics wrong can give you extra incentive to keep pushing for success on your chosen path
Taking control of your own treatment path and not being afraid to change things up
Why Jacki feels it’s important to share her story with others going through a similar situation