Jason Lucchesi founded real estate investing company, Global Fortune Solutions, in the year 2008. Jason has been enjoying a successful career in the real estate industry since 2002 where he started as a Loan Officer for Illinois brokerage, Bancgroup Mortgage. In 2004, Jason joined the Management team at Countrywide Home Loans, which was the nation’s #1 lender. In 2008, Jason established his own company to pursue his dream of being a full-time entrepreneur and business owner.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
How forging your own path to financial success gives you the freedom to take time out to do things like being there for your family
Why Jason feels it’s important to share the knowledge he’s gained from his career in real estate with others trying to find their way in the field
The importance of spending as little money as possible when you’re exploring a new real estate niche
Trusting your instincts when it comes to doing things in a way that work for you, even if they go against the norm
How Jason finds promising probate properties by locating people ready to move on to a new space after the loss of a loved one
Insights from Jason on the importance of forging relationships with local attorneys as a way to gain information about different probate opportunities
Jason’s method of presenting his offers as an opportunity allowing grieving loved ones to avoid the additional stress of paying extra upkeep costs and taxes on property left to them
Why it’s important to have people in your circle offering different perspectives from their area of expertise to make your business stronger
How Jason makes his pitch to probate attorneys and gets them to see how helping his company benefits them in the long term
The way Jason establishes trust with attorneys by making sure to never put them in a position to do anything unethical and damage their reputation
Getting someone to help you by understanding their motivation and using it to your advantage
What Jason offers in his course in getting into the probate side of real estate
How you need to be careful about jumping into different business niches without really understanding how they work
How Jason uses some of the profits from his course to give back through his nonprofit that helps people in need remodel their homes