Jack Bosch is a fairly recent immigrant from Germany. He came over to the US from Germany in 1997 literally with two suitcases and a bunch of student debt, and Prior to the year 2000, Jack had never been involved in Real Estate and did not know anything about that subject.

He started in Real Estate investment in 2000. Over the course of three years, Jack developed and perfected an investing system that allowed him to do 3,203 deals, making millions of dollars in the process.

He has done deals all over the U.S. without even looking at most of these properties. His students are now doing deals in the US while living all over the world. Jack started sharing this unique system with the public in 2008.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
The importance of taking funds earned from your one-time cash strategies (ex. flipping properties) and your cash flow strategies (ex. owner financing properties or lease options) and using them to invest in a forever cash model (ex. owning an apartment complex or office building)
How flipping land allows you to easily double, triple, or even quadruple your investment without spending a lot of money, time, or energy in the process
The benefits of flipping land and why Jack Bosch believes it’s much better than flipping houses
Different ways to make profits from flipping land
Why low competition in the land flipping marketplace means greater opportunities for those who take the initiative
Why offering affordable terms for owner financing allows you to launch your business into higher profits
The beauty and thrill of investing with other people’s money (OPM) and why you’re going to love it too
Why you can charge so much more with seller financing than when selling properties outright
Why success doesn’t always happen overnight and why that’s OK
Trying several different types of businesses before you find that one that works best for you
Why it’s hard to go broke with profit and how you can start profiting in your business ventures
How easily portable this business model is, not just in the United States but other countries as well
Why apartments are an ideal investment for creating generational income
The importance of building lifelong and generational cash flow