Cara Brookins is best known for being the mom who built her own house using YouTube tutorials. She has been entertaining, educating, and inspiring audiences with her keynotes and presentations since 2004. She’s the author of eight books, including “Rise How a House Built a Family,” which tells the story of building her 3500 square foot house with the help of her four children by watching YouTube tutorials and googling things like foundation work, plumbing, and gas lines. News of Cara’s family story went viral in more than 75 countries and was viewed two billion times. “Rise” has now been optioned to become a major motion picture. Inspiring audiences to build bigger lives remains her greatest passion.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
Why sometimes the best ideas for your next venture are born of necessity
Why it is necessary to tell the truth rather than simply telling a story with your writing sometimes — even when the truth feels a little messy and raw
How audiences recognize the truth when reading it — especially in non-fiction
The importance of being relatable in writing and in business
Why it’s important to reveal your own humanity, for better or worse, when writing your memoir
The real key to making lasting changes in your life: taking MASSIVE action
Why it’s sometimes necessary to go “all in” with no plan B to give yourself the proper incentive to complete the job
What it really means to “burn the ships!” and why it can be the perfect motivator
How to shift your focus when it feels like you’ve bitten off more than you can stand so that you’re only taking one small bite at a time
Why you absolutely have to get dirty sometimes, literally covered in mud, to make it to the shiny and sparkling clean image on the other side
The importance of learning from failures
How Cara feels that confidence can be the real deal maker sometimes