Sam Bell started his first agency, PPC Boutique, in 2009, right as social media was starting to attract mainstream attention. Since then, he’s taken the knowledge gleaned from nearly a decade of advertising experience and used it to leverage incredible results for his clients.

These results, together with his unparalleled dedication to his clients’ success and his deep industry insights have led many to call Sam The Social Ads Engineer.

The bottom line is this: Sam Doesn’t just create ads. He launches campaigns with the express intent of pinpointing and reaching highly-engaged, ready-to-act clients that qualified and eager to learn more about what you have to offer – and act on it.

Why settle for mediocre campaign results and tepid interaction on your ads when you can have a robust, interested and passionate audience that looks forward to hearing from you and can’t wait to see what’s next?

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

Locating and targeting your ideal audience so you can enjoy a greater return on your advertising investment

Methods for using Facebook and other social media mediums for advertising your goods, products, and services

The power of leveraging social media to sell real estate and investment properties

The importance of building and maintaining relationships with successful people within your industry as well as in industries that support the one your business is in

Why it’s important to evolve as new opportunities present themselves

The reasons it is better to focus on quality leads rather than amassing a large quantity of leads for your business

Why you must be willing to open the door when opportunity knocks

Ways you can maximize your social media efforts to pull double, triple, or even quadruple duty for you

Making your time work better for you by buying ads rather than dedicating your time and energy amassing huge amounts of content on various social media platforms

How these same tactics and techniques can be used by businesses in practically any industry and not just for real estate investments

What to do when people respond to your Facebook and other social media advertisements

Setting up a funnel so it does the work for you and you’re free to focus your attention on other aspects of operating your business

The importance of taking the time to get to know your audience and connecting with them



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