With extensive real estate experience, Mike helps buyers and sellers meet their real estate objectives. He has broad knowledge of communities located within the Southeastern Wisconsin area and works diligently on his clients’ behalf to make their home buying or selling experience a pleasant and successful one. He is committed to helping people sell their home or property in a timely fashion while attaining the highest possible price for their real estate.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
The power and flexibility that using private money provides real estate investors
The experience of going through with his decision to leave a steady, lucrative job he knew well to start a new career in real estate
How winners in real estate never overextend themselves and keep multiple revenue possibilities open versus going all in on one thing
The way Mike used his loan industry experience to bolster his confidence when he started making those first phone calls to obtain private funds
The way he used resources like podcasts and scripts to improve his chances of making positive connections
What successfully closing out his first real estate deal did for Mike’s psyche and how it inspired him to keep going
Learning to tap into investor resources like 401Ks and other retirement accounts by showing potential stakeholders how they could profit long-term
Using the volatility of the stock market as a selling point to investors by showing them the benefit of having a tangible asset available
How to gauge the responses to different scripts and adjust your technique to fit the situation
The path a new investor should take to start obtaining private funds, starting with friends and family and working their way up to newer connections